Lesson 1: When to splurge vs. when to save
Hello, class! Before having to relocate this blog, I had started a series sharing some tips that I thought others might find helpful. Today we will begin again, starting with my thoughts about when to splurge versus when to save on makeup products. I hope you will share your own tips in the comments.
Before we get into specifics, let me say this: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE EXCEPTIONS.
Did you get that?
Some of us with unique skin tones will never ever ever find a good powder match in the drugstore. Some of us will have a unwavering loyalty to a high end eyeliner.
Guess what?
That’s totally fine.
Because my strongest belief about makeup is – THERE ARE NO RULES.
However, if your looking for some very basic guidelines, here you go:
Let us talk about the “save” column first!
Mascaras, eye liner pencils and lip liners – In my experience, so many drugstore brands have products that perform to the same level as high end lines. These are also products that tend to get used up very quickly, or in the case of mascara, need to be used fairly quickly. Perhaps, they are not always worth the high end price tags!
Concealers, brow product and powders – IF you can find these in a good color match, there are many drug store options that will make you think twice about ever purchasing their high end twins again.
On to the “splurges”!
Foundations and primers – you need a good base or everything over it is useless. I believe in spending on these items simply because I’ve found the pricier options to perform better than their cheap counterparts. Now, there is not always a direct correlation between price and performance, so don’t head straight to the $62 option without checking out the $35 one first!
Lipstick – again, another situation where my experience is the basis for my preference. I have found higher end lipsticks to be more pigmented, longer lasting and less irritating. However, as with everything else, there are certainly some good drugstore options or some thriftier “high end” choices. Let’s include lip glosses in the category, too!
Eyeshadow and liquid liner – My experience is that higher end versions are infinitely more pigmented. In the case of shadows, I have had difficulty blending some drug store brands.
Blushes and bronzers – This is all about the pigmentation, my friends. I would rather have to use a light hand on a product with high pigmentation than dig my brush into a drug store powder that refuses to show up.
Synopsis – I will always prefer high end beauty products. However, for those looking to save, you will be more likely to find usable items in the “save” column at your local drug store.
Please remember that this is all my opinion. I would love to hear yours. If you disagree with anything I’ve written, please share with the class below! We would especially love to hear about brands you love – drug store or otherwise!
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